In the meantime, here is some info about last year:
2010 - Year in Review on RailPictures:
For those who don't care about that, this is what I have posted at the end of that thread:
"I had 71 total photos (all years) uploaded in 2010.I lost interest in uploading to RP for a variety of reasons in 2010. The main reason being lack of time as you can tell by my oh-so-timely posts here. My upload numbers went from 215 in 2009 down to 71. Ouch. That got me just one Screener's Choice and one People's Choice award for the entire year. Of course, looking at the next numbers you would think that 71 could be a little higher.
I had 64 photos taken in 2010 uploaded in 2010.
I took 35,546 photos in 2010 of all subjects including work.
I was on vacation and/or track-side approximately 160 out of 365 days."
I took approximately 35,546 photos in 365 days. That averages out to taking 97 pictures a day or 4 pictures every hour on every single day of the year. I really like the next set of numbers though. I took pictures 160 (actually its like 167 including work) out of 365 days in 2010. That's 43.8% of the year. Man is getting a full-time job going to suck when I actually get one. I don't have many 'accomplishments' from 2010 in terms of photography. I was in Railpace a few times (only one back cover), I got second runner-up in Railfan & Railroad's center spread contest, and I got the cover of McMillan Publications' 2011 NS calendar. Not terrible but I need to get myself a little more publicity in 2011.
How do I plan on doing that? Well, here's a little wish list for myself:
- get my AB2Photography galleries filled
- start and finish my slideshow for "Spring TRAINing" (April 2nd in Scranton, PA)
- work on an article about the Conrail lines in Central Jersey
- work on other projects such as books and prints
- attempt to get a table at some train shows later this year to sell the items above